New Paragraph
Weekly Relay
December 2024
1. SUNDAY – First Sunday of Advent
Prayers are requested for the needs of our congregation.
Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O prince of the heavenly host, by the Power of God, thrust into Hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Advent Hymn (Watching, Waiting, Longing) – Rick Lee James
Prayers are requested for the needs of our congregation.
Community Updates (2)
Community Update
From Sister Carol Ann Nawracaj – November 29, 2024 Disaster
My niece hosted Thanksgiving dinner and we were thankful to God for all His blessings, prayed together, read part of President Biden's proclamation, picked our Secret Santa, and watched the Giants game. However, we went from expressing gratitude on Thursday, to asking God for the strength and guidance on “how do we get through this?” on Friday. My sister, Terri, and brother-in-law, Peter, lost their house and everything in it due to a fire.
Friday afternoon, Terri and I had gone to Avalon, an assisted living facility, to pray the rosary with some of the residents there. Peter was a few houses down visiting a friend. Their tenant, Renee, was home and smelled smoke so she called Peter. When he got home, there were flames, so he got the dogs out and had Renee call 911 Thankfully, no one was injured
Because they live in the country, there are no fire hydrants in the area, and the firefighters had to bring in water with tankers As you will see in the photos below, everything was destroyed. The neighbors, fire company, Saint Joe's parishioners, etc. have been outstanding in helping with everything from lodging, meals, advice, prayers, support, etc.
Terri has been amazing saying that even though she doesn't know the reason, God has a reason for all of this.
Dining room and door leading to deck
Wet bar leading to kitchen that was recently renovated
The guest bedroom where I stay when visiting
From Health Benefits and Government Programs
Please send a copy or the original of any letter or information that you receive to your residence address from the Social Security Administration or any other government office. Thank you. - Sister Danielle Marie Kubelsky
Prayers are requested for the following sick and needy Sisters, Family, Associates, Friends and Benefactors and for those who companion them during this time:
3. TUESDAY - St. Francis Xavier
Prayers are requested for the needs of our congregation.
A Mother Veronica Moment
On December 3, 1843, frail, almost 1-month-old Emily Eleanor Grzedowska, our Mother Veronica, was baptized at 4:00 p.m. in St. Andrew’s Church. Today is the 181st anniversary of her Baptism. - (Source: Under the Shadow of the Almighty written by our Sister Cantalicia Snarska, pp. 2-3]
Saturday, December 7, 2024, TAU at 9:30 a.m. Meeting Areas for morning session: